All true totalitarian
forces rely on the relative ease by which some
will sell out the hopes and dreams of the culture
they belong to for a little power or a little
special treatment. In V these betrayers exist as
colloaborators that wear Visitor Youth clothing
or live in luxury that is bought by the suffering
and conquest of those they help undermine. Collaborators in V are
either bought or made. Eleanor Dupress, Mike
Donavan's mom serves as one of the series most
prominent collaborators. She shoots at her own
son, delivers a propaganda speech after the
Visitor supreme commander is unmasked, and lives
in luxury while the people of her world suffer
and die all around her.
Kristine Walsh,
a "news reporter" serves as official
spokesman for the visitors. She loses her
objectivity and spreads the Visitor matra of lies
and deceits until she finally realizes just what
the Visitor's really want.
Daniel, and the
other Visitor Youth members serve as the naive,
troublesome youths that are given a little power
for the first time in their lives. This power
channels itself as an outlet for defiance for
society as a whole, and parents, and family in
general. The weak youthful failures of the world,
struggling to find purpose often fall under the
grip of propaganda most easily. Such was true of
Hitler Youth members during World War II as well
as the Visitor Youth members of V.