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Movie Posters and Paper Collectibles

Note: An Index of traditional movie poster sites can be found in this site's movie memorabilia links section.

Collecting movie posters is one of the most popular areas of collecting among movie memorabilia collectors. Many people exclusively collect posters, and prefer to avoid all other movie collectibles even. Posters have been printed to promote movies in theaters for nearly a hundred years. The fact that most posters are thrown out or destroyed with time, has made many once common posters now invaluable. A traditional movie poster's value is largely determined primarily by its condition relative to its scarcity. There does exist a rare breed of posters where condition is a secondary concern to actually finding the posters. These are the rarest posters of all; the ones featured in movies on screen themselves. Movie productions often make posters to represent fictitious movies, or events. Such posters are seen by millions on screen in theaters. Screen used movie posters and prototype movie posters are part of a niche area of collecting that few realize even exists. This area of movie poster collecting features posters that are truly the most rare and exotic movie posters that one can own in the world. This area of collecting falls under the category of production used hollywood memorabilia, which documents to the fullest degree possible in its Prop and Costume Collecting section. There one will find information about this unique collectible field including dealers and collectors that often have or sell this rare type of collectible. In addition the site's e-mail newsletter provides the best current news information about prop and costume collecting.


Below are pictures of two exotic movie posters which can be seen on screen in their various productions.


Poster made for the Michael J. Fox movie The Hard Way. In the
film Michael J Fox plays an actor Nick Lang who partners
with a police detective so that he can better learn how to play a
cop in his newest action film. The poster represents
the fictitious movie Smoking Gun II that is mentioned in the
movie in many scenes. The poster is printed on both sides, and is
identical in dimension and size to traditional movie posters. The poster
gives credit to "Globe Studios" an obvious insiders joke refering to
Universal studios. This is Believed perhaps to not to be screen used
because of its flawless condition.. It is a rare poster and at this point
no other known samples of this poster are known to have survived
the production and entered the collector market.


This is a poster from the John Travolta movie Primary
Colors. In the movie Travolta plays a politician Jack
Stanton who is running for President. These campaign
posters are seen throughout the movie and many
survived the production to enter the collector market.
The poster is pictured with a prop Stanton for President
Mug also made for the production.

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