the VHS movie from Amazon.com 
the VHS movie from Amazon.com
This made for TV movie marks the
end of the magical group from Bayside that
changed lives and made life fun for millions at
home. The movie featured Mike Rogers, and Alex
from the College years as well as the original
gang from Bayside (Zack, Kelly, Lisa, Screech,
Jessie, Slater, and Mr Belding). The cast
reunited even though the gang was not together
during the College Years episode. The movie
begins with Zack, Screech, and Slater playing
paintball in the woods. Zack and Slater are
surrounded and about to be shot, then a schme is
born. Slater and Zack pretend to be fighting.
Since paintball is just a game the other team
members don't know what to make of this and hence
shoot no one in the confusion. Screech emerges
and shoots all the other team members, and Zack
and company win.
The gang prepares to travel home, but while
driving through they happen to come by Bayside
High. The outside of the school is shown for the
first time ever. The gang thinks back to the good
times they had and then proceed to their
respective homes. Zack tells his parents about
his plans to marry Kelly, his father is furious.
Zack then sneaks out with the guys and plans to
travel to Las Vegas to marry Kelly. The guys make
a bet with the girls to see who can make it to
Vegas first.
Zack worries that the money he has will not be
enough to get them to Vegas and pay for the
marriage. Zack and the boys get arrested and
spend time in jail and find themselves short on
cash. They take up jobs as male escorts. Zack has
to be an escort at the same time he has a planned
date with Kelly and trouble ensues. In the end
Zack's parents come around and visit the grand
wedding of Kelly and Zack.