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Zack Morris
*Also See Links to Mark-Paul Gosselaar sites
Zack is the self proclaimed king of his own world. During the show Zack often even calls "times out" so that he may explain his take on things. Saved by the Bell in many ways is the world though the eyes of Zack Morris. Zack has many problems and adventures daily in his life as a teenager. He pursues Kelly Kawpowski, the head cheerleader that he seems destined to be with forever. He is pronounced homecoming king while she is pronounced home coming queen. Zack does break up with Kelly from time to time, and considers marrying her. Zack attends college with Screech, AC Slater, and Kelly. The rest of the Saved by the Bell gang could not join them in the college years unfortunately. Zacks Schemes: Zack schemes to have someone pretend to be his dad, and pretend to be someone from Harvard. Zack even plans a surprise birthday party in the principal's office. If it can be done Zack will try it. Zack has troubles finding time to be with his dad as his dad is constantly busy. Zack on one occasion even resorts to calling his own dad on the phone while he is in the next room just to get some time to talk with his dad. Zack pursues women for sport and seems to make the art of pursuit a science. When Zack discovers he has scored a 1502 on his SAT's he talks Belding into putting him in easier classes so he can resort to more "self educational" matters. |
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