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*Also see Terminator 2 Characters with Pictures and Profiles

*Also see Terminator 2 DVD info and trivia

*Also see Terminator 2 Movie Summary and Review

*Also see Terminator 2 Special Effects and CGI

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While not officially even part of the soundtrack for the movie, one of the most memorable songs associated with Terminator 2 is You Could be Mine from Guns and Roses. The song is played just briefly in the movie as John rides on his motorbike with his friend. But besides that the music video for the song features Arnold in it himself. In the music video Arnold stalks Guns and Roses to a concert. At the music video's end Arnold watches as the band slowly passes him by. He accesses that they are a waste of ammo and moves on. This music video is what got me pumped to see the movie in the theator. The songs lyrics are below.

Listen to samples from or order Guns and Roses Use Your Illusion 2 CD with the Terminator 2 song You Could Be mine from

Listen to samples from the Terminator 2 soundtrack or purchase from

Listen to samples from the Terminator soundtrack or purchase from

I'm a cold heartbreaker Fit ta burn
and I'll rip your heart in two
An I'll leave you lyin' on the bed
I'll be out the door before ya wake
It's nuthin' new ta you
'Cause I think we've seen that movie too
'Cause you could be mine

But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nuthin' done
I said you could be mine

Now holidays come and then they go
It's nothin' new today
Collect another memory
When I come home late at night
Don't ask me where I've been
Just count your stars I'm home again

'Cause you could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nuthin' done
I said you could be mine

You've gone sketchin' too many times
Why don't ya give it a rest
Why Must you find Another reason to cry

While you're breakin' down my back n' I been rackin' out my brain
It don't matter how we make it
'Cause it always ends the same
You can push it for more mileage
But your flaps r' wearin' thin
And I could sleep on it 'til mornin'
But this nightmare never ends
Don't forget to call my lawyers
With ridiculous demands
An you can take the pity so far
But it's more than I can stand
'Cause this couchtrip's gettin' older
Tell me how long has it been
'Cause 5 years is forever
An you haven't grown up yet

You could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nuthin' done
I said you could be mine
You should be You could be mine Yeah!

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