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Jessie Spano

* Also see posters and photos of Elizabeth Berkley the actress that played Jessie Spano

*Also See Links to Elizabeth Berkley Sites


Name: Jessie Spano

Feminisit by Nature, takes offense to terms such as chick, mama, and babe

Likes: AC Slater whom she always seems to be hanging around, or thinking about

Adventures on the Show: Becomes addicted to caffeine pills in an attempt tohelp her stay up to study

Dreams: to be the ideal student and get into a good College

Acheivements: Student Body President Bayside High School, ValedictorianBay Side High School

Jessica Spano is the ultimate feminist on the Saved by the Bell Show. This is greatly ironic considering after the show she went on to gain fame in the movie Showgirls. Jessie has one step brother that is shown in the series on only one occasion. Jessie enjoys the comfort and confidence she gains in A.C. Slater's presence. This too is ironic considering Jessie's feminist nature and Slater's reputation as a jock.

Jessie stands up for envioronmental causes and helps to stop an oil company from drilling at Bayside. While generally opposed to stereotyes, she falls in line more with that of a jock than a prom queen. During one episide an ROTC (Registered Officers Training Corps) official pits Bayside into two groups. Jessie serves with the jocks.

Jessie worries about college. Her valedictorian nature, and Bayside School Presidency it seems pales in comparison to Zack's 1502 score on the SAT's. On one occasion Jessie so obsesses with doing well in school that she resorts to sleeping pills which she becomes addicted to.

Jessie becomes upset when her dad plans on marrying a far younger bride, an aerobics instructer. She plans to avoid the wedding, but Zack and the gang finally talk her into attending.

Jessie on the show appears to be confident in opinion always, and serves as a person that knows her place in the world. But in reality the contradictions in her character showcase how confused and without purpose Jessie truly is. Maybe this would explain the shift to stripping in Showgirls?

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