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Themes - Zack's Girlfriends

Zack's Girlfriends the Settings The Couples, Slater/Kelly, etc
Over the years Zack has pursued many girls or watched as girls pursued him. Of course he never strayed too far from Kelly for long he had his share of adventures with a variety of girls including.


Jessie Zack kisses and becomes curious with her after rehearsing the kiss scene for a Sleeping Beauty play. At first the two refuse to kiss then they try it and question rather there is anything between them. The opening night of the play ends with the play following a different course than planned because of the ramifications that a kiss on stage could have between Zack and Jessie.

Lisa after working with her a lot for a prom committe Zack and Lisa start to get along real well. They get along so well that Screech starts to become jealous.

Carla a new transfer student when Zack was in Grade 8 with Miss Bliss causes him to nearly come to blows with another of his friends, Mikey.

Danelle - this is a college girl from USC that Zack sneaks out to meet in a nightclub known as "the attic." Zack got in with a fake ID and Kelly finds out that her dream guy Jeff from work is out there having fun as well with another girl.

Joanna Peterson - a transfer student to Bayside which both Slater and Zack desire. They get into fights over her and then like magic she is gone from the show forever. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone's problems could vanish so easily?

Kelly's sister when Zack starts to answer phone calls for Bayside's Teen Line he gets a call from Kelly's sister. He thinks he is talking to Kelly but its really her sister. Zack then tries to come up with a way to let the girl down easy.

Mr Belding's Neice - Zack gets blackmailed into a date with Mr Belding's neice. Zack gets Screech to pretend to be him so Zack avoids the date alltogether. Only Zack can avoid a date completely and still be desired by a girl. Isn't that unique.

Girl in a Wheelchair Zack gets into a great conversation with someone while hosting the Teen Line. He agrees to meet one girl at the Max he talked to on the Teen line. Everything appears find until Zack discovers she is in a wheelchair. He ultimately learns to understand her and all. The gang plays a cool game of wheelchair basketball at the end of the episode.

Wendy Parks, Date Auction Girl a larger girl which bids enough in a date auction to win a date withZack takes up some of Zack's time at the Max. Zack's appeal it seems is really worth a lot of money to some in this episode.

Stacey Carosi the bosses daugher while he works at the Malibu Sands beach resort during the summer. Zack start to pursue her early on, and feel devestated when her boyfriend comes into town. Zack ultimately says goodbye to her and heads for home since the Summer is over.

Andrea, a Hawaiin native Zack meets while on a vacation causes Zack to be so enchanted that even the fact she has a child can not deter his pursuits. He ultimately leaves Hawaii without her even though he would have stayed for her if she wished.

Krystee, a female wrestler that Zack helps convince the team to allow to wrestle. Jessie imagines Krystee to be moving in on Slater because they practice wrestling moves a lot though.

Jennifer, Bayside's School Nurse - Zack falls for Bayside's new young female nurse and even fakes illnesses to see her. Ultimately she disovers his plan and pretends to be madly in love with him. Zack doesen't know what to do then, and panics.

Slater's Sister - this girl Zack goes after which makes Slater uneasy..

Laura, Homeless Girl this is the girl that Zack spots with a lunch of only an apple. Zack finds out she is homeless and this causes him to stay clear of her at first. Laura loses her job, and Zack and his family befriend her. Even Zack's family would help him with his dates, isn't life swell.

Tori Zack at first can't stand her, but ultimately he even competes with Slater to see who will kiss her first.

Of course one should remember the time that Zack tried to use subliminal advertising to convince Kelly to go to a dance with him. Slater pretends he to was affected and presents himself to his "Preppy." It was humorous but demonstrates how even those so far from liking Zack bend in at some point or another. Throughout all of Zack's dating he still found his way back to Kelly . That must make their Wedding a matter of fate that even Zack could not avoid. Their romance really was one of the main driving factors in the show. They represented the ultimate Couple

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